Mums for Sale

Mums for Sale


L. Douglas Smith, Jr.

September 9, 2024

The JECA Seniors are selling mums to raise money for their Senior Trip to Rome. These beautiful mums come straight from a local grower – Made Whole Farm in Springfield, TN – and are available in five color options. We are also selling decorative corn bundles for that extra fall flair. The best news of all is they’re priced at a bloomin’ good deal at $18 each or 2 for $30, and corn bundles are $7 each.

Fun fact: The Romans may not have had mums, but they certainly loved their flores (flowers). As they might say in Latin, “Gaudecum floribus autumnalibus” (Rejoice with the autumn flowers). By supporting this fundraiser, you’re helping our seniors make their way to the Eternal City!

Place your orders using this link. All orders are due by noon on Wednesday, September 18th. The mums will be delivered to JECA on Friday, September 20th. Please make sure you are available to pick up your order that day.

You may pay with cash, card, or check at pick-up. If you are an enrolled JECA family, you may request to be billed through FACTS. You will select your payment method on the reservation form.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Senior Mum, Beth Morrow (